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Shem Tov Awards


The Shem Tov Awards are given each year to outstanding volunteers who have given exceptional service to our community and therefore have earned a Shem Tov – a good name. Each of the recipients is nominated by a Jewish community organization.


Mazal Tov to our 2022 recipients:

Beth Tzedec Congregation – Susan Inhaber
Camp BB Riback – Cory Krygier
Canadian Hadassah-WIZO Calgary Centre – Dorothy Hanson
Chabad Lubavitch of Alberta – Guy Price
Halpern Akiva Academy – Caroline Linetsky
House of Jacob Mikveh Israel – Shelley Moore
Jewish Historical Society of Southern Alberta – Mary Taub
Jewish National Fund of Calgary – Cheryl Gurevitch
JFSC – Sherry Brudnyi
Kehilat Shalom – David Craimer
Na'amat Canada Calgary – Marni Besser
Paperny Family JCC – Shula Banchik
Temple B'nai Tikvah – Norm Yanofsky
The Calgary Jewish Academy – Shannon Smith-Albert
The Jewish Community Foundation of Calgary – Daniel Blitt


President's Award – Kathie Wainer
President's Award – Marnie Bondar
President’s Award – Dahlia Libin
Cheryl Shore Emerging Leader Award – LeeAnn Grisaru


Board of Directors Service Recognition – Sam Begelfor